Friday 10 October 2014


Working title:
Does urban films and songs give more of a negative representation than the news does of black people?

What impact does urban music videos have? Does it indoctrinate young black people to chase a hopeless dream and be that negative representation?

Urban films and music videos have made young black boys believe, being a "gangster" is "cool."

Linked production piece:
News style documentary, interviewing rappers and kids who listens to rappers.

Who is being represented?
Youths in the UK and US are being represented as "Chavs" and "Ghetto." They have been represented like that by news companies, which leaks onto middle classed people who watch the news and read newspapers and gives then an invalid representation of youth in the UK and US. The representation is not true to all types of youth in those two countries, however, it could be seen that way, because all you see in the news is mainly black boys causing trouble in the streets of London, or any other city. However, I don't just think it is the news that gives such a representation of youth like this, it is also movies and music videos that do so. Music videos in the UK and US are seen by many people in the world, which can give a negative stereotype of youth. Examples of this includes:-
Chief Keef
Bobby Shmurda

Media Language and forms
The show top boy is connontated as a glorification of real life on the streets,causing kids to want to do so. It is also connotated as an enlightenment to middle classed people, a little look of how it is to struggle.
People who have no idea about the roads, just take Top Boy as a shorthand, and they think is everything is truth, which makes youth look bad.
There are many gesturges that make Top Boy seem like truth, for instance, the handshakes the greetings, also, the costumes plays a big big part in what viewers think, they think, everyone who wears baggy jeans hats, hoodies and gucci shoes are drug dealers. Alot of props are used, such as guns, drugs and money. Also I think women could be seen as props, as they are objectified in Top Boy.
The costumes again play a big part in portraying a particular image of Top Boy to viewers. Also the lighting is very dull, showing that there is no happiness on the estates, which shows to viewers, people that live on council estates are not happy.

The narrative is a multi layered narrative, because there is more that one story in the series also, there is never really an equilibrium for both parties, it always leaves someone in trouble. There were alot of heroes and villains created in the series, some characters were at times both heroes and villains. The main character optimises this as he starts off the hero, but becomes a villain due to the mistakes he made. He remains a villain at the end of series 2.
The estate is alienated, as it looks like there is nothing else to do but stay on the estate, apart from the few times Ran'ell gone to football, but later he doesn't get a place, again showing there is no way out.
Sound and music play a massive part, because if there was no sound or music, we would no understand when the tension is building up because Top Boy is normally quite fast paced, so the music and the sound allow us to identify when there is a problem. The themes of Top Boy are Drugs, Money and Freedom.

This text belongs to British Urban Drama. There is low lighting, fast paced music and narrative, alot of tension. Costume, clothes, the way they talk and speak is generic to this genre. The generic themes of this genre are also shown in Top Boy, the themes: Money Drugs, Power and Freedom. The characters are very generic, they talk, dress and look like they are from the ghetto. They don't have their head screwed on book wise, but they are very street wise. This is a typical genre for this type of programme.

It is on Channel 4, directed by Ronan Berret, and is not on a public service broadcaster, which wouldn't have made a difference, because Kidulthood and adulthood we created on BBC but still had the main aspects of a drama like Top Boy

Issues and Debates 

The main issues and debates are stereotyping and representation. This is because black people are always stereotyped negatively. this causes the,to fit into the stereotypes and act how the media want them to act to allow the media to be right about what they said. 

Young kids between the ages of 11-18 see this type of music as cool, and something to aspire to. So they want to be like the artists. But society tells them that they are wrong to want to be like these artist, but don't give them someone else to be like, because the majority of black people in the news are on the news for negative reasons. 

Top boy and these other movies aren't reality TV, but the music videos seem to be reality. Alot of rappers make it look like its reality, because they are rapping on their road, on the estate with all their friends which shows to the audience it is real.

There is a big moral panic in and around the UK because due to the knife crime and gun crime saga. As that seemed to die down, the London riots came and put the people of London into another moral panic.


Bathes theory relates to this topic because there are signs in both music videos and in dramas that show what type of film it is, and this can give a negative representation to some audience, and can give a positive one to younger viewers.


Single parent families and families without father figures take this music more literally than others.

9/11 made people more aware of terrorism

Working class poorer people are more likely to listen and take these videos in the wrong manner 

The government are not fans of this music, but like the show as it is a way of "dry snitching"

Audience theories

American nightmare

This can kind of be a another theory related to, even though we are not in the UK. as there are places in poverty, that are shown hostility by government, police and other people. There is fear of all kinds of terrorism due to the 9/11 attack.  


This shows that films and music videos may use short hands to show different things that can be a quick reminder of what type of video it is. 


Some of the stereotypes are positive and true, which means media and audiences are able to put the represented people in a category.

The copycat theory

Children want to be like the people that are famous in the media and that have some sort of power, so music videos that shows the lavish lifestyle of drug dealers, makes them want to be a part of it 

My main focus text is Top Boy. 

other focus' include:

Nines Music videos 
Ill Manors 
Snap Capone
Bullet boy 


Educating black boys

University Docs


Grime Report



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